13 September 2008

Elections 2008

I'm getting mail urging me to vote one way or another in the presidential election...

I would remind those people once again that sometime about eight years ago it was proven that our votes don't count; the popular vote went to one guy and the other guy has been president for eight years.

I believe that while change can be legislated (and I do not want repression legislated) true change happens from the bottom up, not the top down; and that railing against any of the "parties" on the ballot is energy that could go towards changing the system and maybe getting some new Parties on board. The 2-party system is not in the Constitution. each party has made concessions to the "more-of-the-same" culture of Washington while claiming maverick status (yes, represented mainly by Biden and Palin).

And I can only speak for myself in that I believe in the Taming Power of the Small--that my true calling is to ACT with as much love every moment that I can muster and despite what the prevailing cultural society might believe, that is the true power and each act of Love will help tilt the world balance--or change the world's vibration--so that the Age of Love and Truth will manifest, i.e. Heaven on Earth. But that is in every person's hands, not Obama's, or the Democratic Party's, or even the United States of America's. We need an Inner Revolution in order to manifest a newer, better, world.

In fact the only way to manifest it is moment-to-moment, person-to-person.

And a reminder, all inner traditions say, that world is already here, now--the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Haven't you glimpsed this in your dreams?

And the greatest weapon against tyranny is laughter.

Love & Peace.

02 September 2008

Wacky Physics

I'll have to post later about the joys of Laughter Yoga--yes, yours truly now a Laughter Yoga Leader, equipped to laugh at all times in all places.

But the nerdfighter dudes should hook up with the rappin' hip-hop physicist:


You go, girl!