The more I walk the path, the more I realize that the reality I experience is
happening inside my own heart and head and body. The reality I see is "through a
glass," colored by the story I tell myself. That story is the only thing I
control (and sometimes not even that!) :)
So in my story, this world is beautiful and amazing and full of love and hope;
there are flowers and kitties and hugs and happiness; there is also chronic
pain, occasional fear, and some anxiety, to be honest. But in my story, this
world is wonderful, and the world to come is even better. In my story, I have
given up the need to control and understand everything, and chosen to trust in a
deep structure, that the foundation of all is Love, and the meaning of
everything is Love, and that written in every wandering atom and star is the
story of Love. Beauty disappears but is replaced by beauty that disappears and
is replaced and comes again, and that is the story I see in the face of a
flower. May you always walk in Beauty, Beloveds. May you tell yourself a great
Matthew 6. Philippians 4:8
Love and Peace ~Em Maxwell