This is synchronicity at work...I was pondering on my way to sleep last night that when we talk about balancing and honoring the female/male within, or thinking about light/shadow within, or good/evil, that really we are attempting to reconcile the duality we perceive in reality, the dichotomy that exists within our very own brains, left and right, with a large crevasse between them and very few bridges that connect them; that many neurological problems that mystics have (hypersensitivity, migraines, seizures, TMJ) stem from the "newer" part of our brains, and that our evolution work is to develop the bridges that help both sides of the brain communicate--most of our brain functions are not on one side or the other, but spread out, diffuse. We have been working on a model of either/or, but the true model is both/and. This is why, as wonderful as plant medicine is at opening our perceptions, we are usually called to produce the same effects in our own brains through meditation and shamanic practices--which takes years. It takes work to build the bridges out of matter not simply perception...something to ponder, Beloveds. ~Spiritwalking
Scans prove there’s no such thing as a ‘male’ or ‘female’ brain