08 October 2018

The War Racket

16 September 2018

Pledge for Pachamama

Pledge For Pachamama

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for,
Yes, waiting for rescue through this dark night of the soul, but we are the ones,
No matter how hard we’ve tried to deny our fate, It’s time to embrace it.
We’ll rejoice later, at the end,
But it’s hard work to be a descendant.
Yo! What a job! Reconcile and return!
Heal ancestral trauma & drama,
Be the ones to forgive, the ones to say sorry first, be the responsible ones,
(weren’t you supposed to be the ones
to take care of us, not abandon us,
cherish the children?) it could’ve been you.
But if you coulda, you woulda, we finally get it, we just gotta step up
and do it for you, gotta be the ones
to say: the buck stops here, in my heart.
We will be the ones to cherish,
Be the good parent, the good cop,
Be the examples, be the change, oh yeah, we’ll change the world—because despite it all, we’re still here, breathing Ceremony.
You starve us, sell us, beat us,
kill us, rape us, blame us, banish us—you steal our Sacred objects, our precious reminders—
But heya, you can’t steal our souls!
Souls can’t be stolen,
Only given away to glitter and grunge
And despair. You tried to teach us despair. I You think your world’s ending, and you’re right.
But we refuse to despair.
We despacho instead,
Turn the world on it’s head,
Gladness is our daily bread,
For we, we ourselves are God’s
sons and daughters
& we’ve gone to the waters
And risen up. There’s more
Where we came from. All over
This world, we’ve risen up.
The mountains sheltered us.
The rivers hid our tears.
The stars set our souls on fire,
And our gospel spreads with the wind.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for,
Knights both dark and light,
In and out of stealth and sight,
Giving the mighty a chance to do right
Fix your ways of greed and blight,
Once again, to learn and choose
To support All Relations in their plight:
By now everyone has heard the news:
We all gotta right to be here, from bugs
To horses. If we could just share,
We could all chill. No need to kill.
Are you kidding. Nope, every ancestor past the last ten generations has been
Spinning in their grave, dancing in the Dreamtime trying to get our attention.
Doesn’t matter if we die, we’ve tried to kill
Ourselves already and it didn’t take,
So we sucked it up and learned to love
Ourselves instead, and even to love you,
But not your excuses. Surrender, your time is done. Surrender your hearts. Love
Everyone’s children.
The meek inherit the Earth, and we want it, no more abuse, we got nothing to lose,
We found everything in our Creator.
Doesn’t matter if we die, the real war
Is not the guns you shoot, the words
You speak. We are Love’s children,
Warriors like you’ve never seen.
For we, we ourselves are God’s
sons and daughters
& we’ve gone to the waters
And risen up. There’s more
Where we came from. All over
This world, we’ve risen up.
Lovers make the best fighters,
They have nothing to lose.
We are the ones.
We’ve already won.
~Em, Psalms at the End of Time

Revelations 2016

Here's what the Spirit says to the churches: Woe and woe and WHOA!

You who say you are Christians and are not, hear what the Spirit says to the churches: because you have promised to love, honor and cherish MY Creation and have not, I weep for you. Every time you choose the Letter of the Law over the Spirit of the Law, you deny Christ Jesus. Every time you choose for the Old Testament instead of the New Testament, you deny Christ Jesus. Every time you choose to say, "The rules are different for business, for games, for locker rooms" you choose to take off your Christian suit and put a nail in the cross.
Every time you choose to close your door to the stranger. Every time you choose to leave the beaten Samaritan (Mexican, Muslim, gay, queer, transgender, Asian, Nazi, woman, lion, deer, Native American) at the side of the road without succor and help, you deny Jesus. Every time you choose to blame your family's problems on your gay child who nevertheless is the only person in the family to have ever served in the Armed Forces and risked life & limb for the family who has denied him/her, you deny Jesus. When you treat him as if he's an "it" with no feelings, when you say your terrible things wishing he was dead, when you spit in her face, and abandon her, you are spitting in Jesus' face. When you praise the law that allows her employer to fire her without cause, YOU are the one taking the food from her table. When the immigrant sent back to Syria/Mexico dies, that death IS on you.

Oh, your fake tears that have turned my Book into an idol. You were supposed to give up stoning and human sacrifice for the sacrifice of a contrite and open heart. You were supposed to spread Love, not terror, over all the nations. You were supposed to be caretakers, not destroyers. You were supposed to wage war with kindness, not killing. Kindness is the sword that pierces the heart to the true death that prefaces the Life Eternal.

Jesus parables all talk about how the folks he's talking to are supposed to be caretakers for the Master. This beautiful creation is the house of the landlord, who will be returning, and would like to find his servants taking care of the place and each other when he pops in. But you are servants pretending that the place is yours, filling it with trash, lording it over each other, stealing from the treasury.  Every time you say, "This is not your country," you deny Christ. Every time you say, "I am not a bigot, racist, hater," you lie. For all have fallen short.