02 November 2014

Griffith scientists propose existence and interaction of parallel worlds

Griffith scientists propose existence and interaction of parallel worlds

There's a link to the paper in this post, very interesting reading!

The part that interests me the most, because I am currently exploring entanglement:

"In the context of entanglement, it is worth comparing our MIW approach
with conventional many-worlds approaches. The latter are often motivated
by the desire, first, to restrict reality to only the wave function,
and second, to avoid the explicit nonlocality that arises from
entanglement in other realist versions of quantum mechanics. Our
approach is, by contrast, motivated by the desire to eliminate the wave
function. It furthermore elevates the nonlocality of quantum mechanics
to a kind of “supernonlocality”: particles in different worlds are
nonlocally connected through the proposed MIW interaction, thus leading,
indirectly, to nonlocal interactions between particles in the same
world. "

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